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Our Support Network


We will provide world class support because you are part of our family and when you succeed we succeed.

Our franchise support system features:



Step by step support

Product development 


Field support

Why Choose us?


Aside from being a proven business with a low start-up cost, Find out how Fresh Kabob® is the right fit for you.

Why Choose Oasis Kabob?


Our Food:

Kabob Oasis is proven to be above all fast foods when it comes to freshness, chemical and additive free and healthiest food.

Our authentic cuisine is made from scratch in house from our meats to our salads and breads. Our easy to prepare food is made to order right in front of our guests with a show from our open flame grill to our clay oven were we bake our bread.

Your Next Step


Financing Programs:

We have several franchise financing companies to help you with loans and financial needs to start your franchise business.


Your Investment:

Our start-up costs are lower than most restaurants. The initial franchise fee is $9,000. The total investment can range from $80,000 to $250,000+.


For further information regarding the total investment, refer to our Franchise Disclosure Document that is available once you complete an Application for Additional Information. You can apply here. There is no cost or obligation to apply; it simply shows your degree of interest.

Contact Franchise Sales:


Hamid Ashraf

Cell: 702-750-8683

Tele: 702-868-9096


Kabob Oasis

1405 E. Sunset Rd #130

Las Vegas Nevada 89119

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